Hasil penelitian ini dipastikan akan membuat gembira kaum perempuan yang gemar minum kopi. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Swedia menunjukkan bahwa perempuan yang minum kopi saban hari, justru memiliki risiko 22-25 persen lebih rendah terserang stroke dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang jarang minum kopi atau bahkan tidak sama sekali.
"Peminum kopi harus bersukacita," kata Dr Sharonne N. Hayes, seorang ahli jantung di Mayo Clinic di Rochester, Minn, seperti dikutip AP.
"Kopi sering dikatakan menjadi potensi buruk bagi jantung Anda. Belum ada penelitian yang benar-benar dengan pasti mengatakan kopi itu buruk," imbuhnya. "Jika Anda minum kopi sekarang, Anda mungkin melakukan hal baik dan Anda mungkin tidak melakukan sesuatu yang merugikan."
Namun Hayes dan dokter lain juga mengatakan, penelitian itu tidak membuktikan kopi menurunkan risiko stroke. Penelitian menunjukkan, peminum kopi cenderung memiliki risiko stroke lebih rendah.
"Jenis penelitian epidemiologi ini sangat menarik tetapi mereka tidak membuktikan sebabnya," kata Dr David S. Seres, direktur nutrisi medis di Columbia University"s College of Physicians dan Surgeons di New York.
Penemuan ini dipublikasikan pada Kamis (10/3) secara online di jurnal American Heart Association Stroke. Para ilmuwan yang telah mempelajari kopi selama bertahun-tahun, mencoba untuk menentukan risiko dan manfaat kopi.
Para peneliti Institut Karolinska, Stockholm yang dipimpin oleh Susanna Larsson, mengatakan bahwa studi terdahulu tentang konsumsi kopi dan stroke memiliki temuan yang bertentangan. "Belum ada hasil konsisten yang keluar dari studi kopi," kata Dr Cathy Sila, seorang ahli saraf stroke di University Hospitals Case Medical Center di Cleveland.
Untuk penelitian observasional, peneliti mengikutsertakan 34.670 wanita Swedia yang berusia 49-83 tahun, selama sekitar 10 tahun. Para wanita ditanya berapa banyak kopi yang mereka minum pada awal penelitian. Para peneliti juga memeriksa catatan rumah sakit untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak perempuan tersebut yang kemudian mengalami stroke.
Terdapat total 1.680 perempuan yang terserang stroke, termasuk 205 pada mereka yang minum kurang dari secangkir kopi atau tidak sama sekali. "Anda tidak perlu minum terlalu banyak. Satu atau dua cangkir perhari sudah cukup," kata Larsson.
Dikatakan pula, mereka yang ingin mengurangi kemungkinan stroke harus fokus pada cara yang terbukti mengurangi risiko stroke seperti tidak merokok, selalu menjaga tekanan darah, dan mempertahankan berat badan yang sehat.*
The results of this study will certainly make the joy of women who like to drink coffee. Research conducted in Sweden showed that women who drink coffee every day, it has a 22-25 percent lower risk of stroke compared with women who rarely drank coffee or even none at all.
"Coffee drinkers should rejoice," said Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., as quoted by AP.
"Coffee is often said to be potentially bad for your heart. Yet there is research that is really for sure tell the coffee is bad," he added. "If you drink coffee now, you may do good things and you probably do not do something harmful."
But Hayes and other doctors also said the study does not prove that coffee lowered the risk of stroke. Research shows that coffee drinkers tend to have lower risk of stroke.
"This type of epidemiological research is very interesting but they do not prove cause," said Dr. David S. Seres, medical director of nutrition at Columbia University 's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York.
The findings were published on Thursday (10 / 3) online at the American Heart Association journal Stroke. Scientists who have studied the coffee for years, trying to determine the risks and benefits of coffee.
Researchers Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, led by Susanna Larsson, said that previous studies on coffee consumption and stroke have conflicting findings. "There has been no consistent results coming out of the coffee study," said Dr. Cathy Sila, a stroke neurologist at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland.
For the observational study, researchers included 34,670 Swedish women aged 49-83 years, for about 10 years. The women were asked how much coffee they drank at the beginning of the study. The researchers also examined hospital records to find out how much these women who later suffered a stroke.
There are a total of 1680 women who had a stroke, including 205 in those who drank less than a cup of coffee or none at all. "You do not need to drink too much. One or two cups a day is enough," said Larsson.
It said, those who want to reduce the likelihood of stroke should focus on proven ways to reduce the risk of stroke, such as not smoking, always maintaining blood pressure, and maintain a healthy weight .*
The results of this study will certainly make the joy of women who like to drink coffee. Research conducted in Sweden showed that women who drink coffee every day, it has a 22-25 percent lower risk of stroke compared with women who rarely drank coffee or even none at all.
"Coffee drinkers should rejoice," said Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., as quoted by AP.
"Coffee is often said to be potentially bad for your heart. Yet there is research that is really for sure tell the coffee is bad," he added. "If you drink coffee now, you may do good things and you probably do not do something harmful."
But Hayes and other doctors also said the study does not prove that coffee lowered the risk of stroke. Research shows that coffee drinkers tend to have lower risk of stroke.
"This type of epidemiological research is very interesting but they do not prove cause," said Dr. David S. Seres, medical director of nutrition at Columbia University 's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York.
The findings were published on Thursday (10 / 3) online at the American Heart Association journal Stroke. Scientists who have studied the coffee for years, trying to determine the risks and benefits of coffee.
Researchers Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, led by Susanna Larsson, said that previous studies on coffee consumption and stroke have conflicting findings. "There has been no consistent results coming out of the coffee study," said Dr. Cathy Sila, a stroke neurologist at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland.
For the observational study, researchers included 34,670 Swedish women aged 49-83 years, for about 10 years. The women were asked how much coffee they drank at the beginning of the study. The researchers also examined hospital records to find out how much these women who later suffered a stroke.
There are a total of 1680 women who had a stroke, including 205 in those who drank less than a cup of coffee or none at all. "You do not need to drink too much. One or two cups a day is enough," said Larsson.
It said, those who want to reduce the likelihood of stroke should focus on proven ways to reduce the risk of stroke, such as not smoking, always maintaining blood pressure, and maintain a healthy weight .*